Alumni, Parent, and Family Relations

Update Your Contact Information

Don’t miss out on a single important SPU event, update, or insight! Keep us informed of your current address — and send us any news in your life since we last heard from you.

Keeping your status updated in our records prevents:

  • Your issues of Response and Connections from getting lost in the mail or bouncing in virtual space.
  • Your invitation to hear a national speaker from being diverted to Hoboken (unless, of course, you actually live in Hoboken).
  • Your long lost SPU roommate from driving a thousand miles north to Schenectady, New York, to surprise you, when, in fact, you live on an unplowed road somewhere south of Nunivak, Alaska.

Other consequences of outdated alumni information are equally awful to contemplate. Email your contact information updates to us!

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  • SPU's Facebook
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  • SPU's Instagram
Seattle Pacific University, Engaging the Culture, Changing the World

The Office of Alumni, Parent, and Family Relations
Walls Advancement Center
206-281-ALUM (206-281-2586)

Open weekdays, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Visitors welcome!

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